Pump Boxes

Custom Built Pump Boxes
Pump Boxes are similar to a sea chest that will never get air locked and provide you with many years of trouble free use.
The pump boxes come in two sizes, the small box will hold up to two pumps and the larger box will hold up to four pumps; either 12 volt or 24 volt depending on your electrical system.

Live Wells

100% Fiberglass Construction
Livewells are 100% fiberglass construction with non-skid rubber bottoms, heavy duty clear plexiglas lids, non-skid tops, and 3/4” deck drain.
They can be pressurized to enhance the quality of your bait in rough water conditions. The intake and the exit drain can be placed anywhere on the well for your specific application. The standard color is snow white, but all custom colors are available.

Deck Drains

100% Stainless Steel
Custom deck drains are made of 100% stainless steal and are built for newer and later model Viking Yachts. They come with a machined two inch threaded hole that is designed for a two inch PVC fitting that drains directly out of your existing scupper system.
They are also available with filler caps that can be installed when the live wells are not being used, for a clean finished look .
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